September 4, 2013

Nagito Komaeda Cosplay by Ryuichi Randoll

One more cosplay from Dangan Ronpa anime characters, this time is Nagito Komaeda Cosplay by Ryuichi to show off, Komaeda has a long dark green coat that goes down past his knees, and the rest of his appearance can be seen in this cosplay photo, she has a little bit messy white hair (or extremely messy) with a light gray eyes, and He wears a plain white shirt with a strange red symbol on it.

Ryuichi Randoll looks very identical to Nagito and can describe his overall appearance, tall slim body, the eyes are a little suspicious, even his hair equally scruffy to the original, but there is one thing missing from this Nagito Komaeda Cosplay  picture ... I don't see there is the same polite smile as Nagito here, Ngito usually has a polite smile on his face ^^.

Uzumaki Naruto Cosplay by Unknown Coser

It's very nostalgic, after all this time we finally get to see back Team 7 (Dainanahan) get together, I think this Uzumaki Naruto Cosplay was taken in Konoha and they planing to eat Ramen after returning from the successful mission, I really liked the background set that looks like being real in Konoha. This picture feels very alive ... 

This is what I imagined when I saw this picture.

Naruto: "Come quickly, the ramen shop next door there",
Sakura: "I will feed you Sasuke-kun ♥",
Sasuke: "tch ..."
Kakashi Sensei: "....." (focus on reading)

Naruto: "howaaa....the Ramon shop will be closed ... fast!"
Sakura: "I will feed you until you are full, Sasuke-kun ♥♥♥"
Sasuke: "tch .."
Kakashi Sensei: "....." (not bothered at all)

Naruto: "Granny over there do not wear panties!"
Kakashi Sensei: "WHERE?!!! ...."  (oh. .. damn! ... he got me  ಠ_ಠ )

✲- Joking don't take the story above seriously  -✲

Not just the background that looks real and cool in this Cospaly picture, but I think the cosplayer also looks quite similar to the original, I love Sakura Haruno expression which was talking to sasuke,  the thing that Sakura would do. Well unfortunately I do not know a single name of the cosplayer in this Uzumaki Naruto Cosplay, please comment if you know about the Cosplayer who is in this Uzumaki Naruto Cosplay photo, so I can give a link to them

Saber Cosplay by Mikki Nyan

Saber is one of the main characters in Fate/Stay Knight, the character was inspired from the story of King Arthur, She is the "Once and Future King" and a legendary hero of England known as the King of Knights, but we could see something different from this Saber Cosplay by Mikki Nyan. is it? come on, you've seen it too. yap ... she's wearing Kimono! (or Yukata, I never know the difference Lol), this is the first time i see the Knight hero of England wearing Kimono (kawaii desu ka!? :D).

In this Saber Cosplay photo, Mikki Nyan has made Saber safer to be approached, first She wielded the sword from the stone, Caliburn (Don't mess with her), but it was eventually destroyed. She later obtained Excalibur (she can cut you in one slash), and after a long time in Japan she is now training to be a samurai! (Knight Wielding a Shinai...Cool!) and Safer! XD. 

I do not know why but I'd rather see Saber with yukata like on this Saber Cosplay photo, she looks softer and sweeter with blonde hair tied up like that, basically Mikki Nyan already looks very cute with her ​​kimono.