January 16, 2013

New costume completed for Desucon Frostbite

As I stated earlier, I have a new costume to debut on Desucon Frostbite. I was hesitant to reveal it, since first time in my cosplay history I chose to order a prop instead of making one and I wasn’t sure if I’d ever get it. It was nerve-racking to wait for the shipment. I don’t know how people do it. I had to check the site every day twice for any new information on the shipment schedule.

My long wait, three weeks of agonizing anticipation finally paid off last week, when Yoki claimed the packet from the post office. Yoki did it, because it was actually ordered by her as a Cristmas present for me. Three words: best present ever!

Before I reveal the character, let’s play a little game. I bet this is an easy one, but I’ll give it a go. I will list photos below from props or garments the character has. Feel free to quess who it might be.

The shoes for the character are actually the same I'm going to use for Alicia. Originally I bought them for flee market without any particular character in mind.

The wallet is made from scrap pleather I had. The transparent plastic is something that can be used over tablecloths or in make-up pouches. We have used it for making stencils.

It's a fez. I bet I have mentioned that I love making hats, so I just couldn't resist. The fez is made from iron-on fiber fabric, batting, black lining and burgundy twill.

And this is my present! Big thanks to Yoki! The Eleventh Doctor's sonic screwdriver from Forbidden Planet.

The character is the Eleventh Doctor from Doctor Who series as a female. Naturally, because even if there is some similarity between me and ever so intriguing Matt Smith, I really can't say that I look like him. Someday I might try to get Yoki to portray the Tenth, because the similarity between her and David Tennant is most certainly there

Also a female version gave me rather free hands for redesigning the Doctor's outfit. I wanted to keep the costume bit childish and fun, but also smart.

The jacket is waist length with shoulder patches. The shirt is rather regular dress shirt I made based on a basic shirt pattern. The fabric is light pink with burgundy pin stripes. It was the closest I could find to the original. The skirt is graphite grey wool mix with half circle, over-knee pattern. The bow tie I made from some left over cotton satin I had and the suspenders I bought from local department store.

The wig is few years old. I just haven't had chance to wear it yet. I wanted to keep the hair style short and tomboyish, even if my first option was long and curly. Somehow the short hair seemed to resonate more the feel of the character. With long hair the outcome was too lady-like and mature.

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